Murus: Palimpsestual Dimensions

The police shooting of 16 year old street artist Diego Felipe Becerra back in 2011, ensued in a public outrage that has done much to loosen the laws and encourage both government and public support of street art within designed areas of Bogota. These street platforms continue to serve as a powerful means of communication for those who feel voiceless and unheard in Colombia’s still tumultuous political and social environment. At street level, is the destination you need to enter in order to experience the fuller story. Today there are over 8,000 urban artist who call this city home and continue to create art with both political and social messages. It is an ever changing canvas of painting and repainting. I attempt to capture a glimpse of daily life as it blends and interacts with what have become important communicative public art spaces. People and the surrounding murals blur into one image rather than two separate entities. We enter and exist not simply as flâneurs, but rather as part of the urban street art -fabric.


Towards Decoloniality